Thursday, April 19, 2012

Travel Day 1

I learned two things today. One: I've been spoiled by Daniel who insists on always driving on all of our road trips. Driving for 10 hours today was EXHAUSTING. Two: Southern Illinois is very unimpressive and creepy. I get this weird feeling that I'm in a CSI episode in this town. You know, when people told me that taking this trip, especially by myself, was brave, I didn't really think much of it. Today I started to agree with them. You know that extra bar lock thingy on the door in all hotel rooms so that even if a person has a key to your room, they can't get in? Yeah, I totally used that on my door tonight. I'm in Marion, Illinois. Totally forgettable Marion, Illinois. But, I did have a very much needed yummy dinner. Anyways, today I started listening to the audio book, Deception Point by Dan Brown. Pretty good so far. Long first day of driving, going to sleep for as long as possible and allowable. Hope everyone's Thursday was great! Also, Happy Birthday to Stephanie Ballard! Love you friend!

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