Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gregory Point No More

I met Cheryl at Gregory Point this morning so I could do my predator watch from 6-2, and so she could take some photos to see if we will be able to do reproduction plots. While we were there, we came to the conclusion that there weren't enough birds incubating that we could use for a plot. So, Gregory Point has been scrapped. Kind of shame because I know she was hoping to get that area to be an area for extra data, sort of a buffer area. Also, its beautiful there, especially with the old lighthouse. However, I hated the trail, it scared me every time I went on it, so in that respect, I'm thankful. I'm also thankful I won't have to be using the bathroom outdoors (sorry for that). From now on, I will only be doing observations at Coquille Pt, which also means, I only work Friday mornings from now on.

So, we had a storm system come through Sunday night and cooled things down a bit. Which is funny because Clint had just came and turned the heat off for the season on Friday. So, last night I was so cold, this is what I wore to bed: long underwear, sweatpants, short-sleeved shirt, long-sleeved shirt, and a sweatshirt, and wool socks, all underneath 1 sheet, 2 blankets (1 of the blankets being wool). Slept like something knocked me out. :) And it wasn't even that cold outside...high 40's. The only thing I can think of is the cold got to my bones, and I couldn't shake it. Now, I'm sure a lot of you are saying....why didn't she just turn the heat on? Because only Clint can adjust it, it has some code, and I wasn't going to call him 9 o'clock at night to complain about being cold. It's like I always say, you can always put on more layers.

So, right now I'm at a coffee house in town, a very cute and quaint one I might add, listening to the locals, and trying to get official work done. Maybe I'll just people watch, oh and drinking a coastal mocha. No idea what makes it different from a regular mocha. All I know is that it's good. Btw, Daniel, they have lox and cream cheese on a bagel here. There's also a bagel called Yonkers. This is what's on it: lox, cream cheese, tomato, cucumber, and onion. Take out the lox and you have yourself a deal!

Nice wake me up!!

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