I got my first egg of the season today. What I mean by that is, I was able to see that one of my birds had an egg, and its a bird that I can resight, so Bird #1 is official! Yay! I was so worried I would never be able to do it, to be able to see the birds on eggs. My view is so far away, its not without difficulty, but alas its possible. It's all thanks to the special highly powered scope called, Questar. I have no idea why this thing is so special. I can't figure out why it costs $10,000. Can you believe they are letting me use that expensive of equipment for the entire season? Wow...they have so much faith in me. Nice! So, it dawned on me today that I don't think I have really explained to you guys what I do from day to day...well here ya go:
There are 2 different types of watches I do:
1.Predator Watch
2.Reproduction Plot
Predator Watch-4 hour shifts (usually), and we try to cover an entire day within a week. So everyday I do a different time block. For the 4 hours, I take down the weather conditions every hour (with an anemometer), and constantly keep a watch on the birds on my rock to be able to see if there is a disturbance. Yes, this gets tiring (mainly my eyes), squinting in scopes and binoculars strains my eye muscles, but I'm getting used to it. Plus I have a handy dandy quick fix for that, picture of what that is later this week! If there is a disturbance, be it a helicopter, boat, eagle, vulture, etc, I record it.
Reproduction Plot-For 3 hours (max), I have plots I have to go through each one at a time, looking for birds that are in the incubating posture and can be resighted. If they can, I draw them on a map/picture of the rock so I know where to look for them next time. Once I see an egg, I put that bird's number in my field notebook, and we track that bird/egg until the end of the season.
Hope that helps...if you have any questions or comments, feel free! I promise I will try to do something more exciting this next weekend. This past weekend I was very productive on Saturday, Sunday I was lame. Although I did manage to catch the movie, Avengers...Greatest super hero movie EVER! My opinion of course. Also, I've been listening to ALL of John Mayer's music this past week or so. He is genius. How does anyone manage not to like him is beyond me. I just love his music. Okay, enough rambling. :-)