Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Supplies and weirdos

Today, I had a laundry list of things to get for DJ. He had to drive up to Burbank for a meeting, and wouldn't be back until 3 or 4. So, I set off to Walmart, Home Depot, and the grocery store. Anyways, between my trips to these stores to get supplies for us, I stopped to get lunch. While waiting in line, there were these two men in front of me kept looking back at me. Of course I'm standing there thinking, STOP STARING AT ME. haha. These two men were obviously related, in my opinion, and one was in his 50's, the other in his 30's. They both were unkempt to describe them for you. Anyways, finally the guy in his 50's asked me what my shirt said. I was wearing my owl shirt I got in Wisconsin. So, I told him what it said. He asked me why I was here from Wisconsin. I said I'm here working. Bla bla bla....we leave it at that, they go sit down to eat. I'm waiting for my food when they guy starts talking to me again. I'm going to spare you from the conversation because it's too much to type. Long story kind of short, they were both total weirdo creepers, and I'm pretty sure if that older guy hadn't seen I was wearing a wedding ring, he was going to try and set me up with his son. Man, strangers are so creepy sometimes. LOL. Daniel and I had such a good laugh when I told him the entire story.

Back to the owls, when I got back I made my own hoop net all by myself. Proud? Yes, I am! haha. I was really proud when DJ looked at it and said, Perfect! Sweet! I may just start up my own net making business after all of are pics of my net I made...

 See all of the other nets behind the couch? Yeah I'm a net making fool!

Had to make a cameo with this awesome thing, right? and yes that's a Katniss braid, I'm a dork, totally aware of it! Hee

We went out trapping again, this time we were out late. Headlamps out and all. After all, these owls are most active at night, so some of the best time to trap them is at night. Also, we got our 10th geolocator for the season. DJ was really happy about this. More data for him to download to see where these guys go. 

 left to right: DJ, Max, Jeff
 And then there's me...I think I was trying not to smile but smile at the same time and this is what resulted...yeah..funny face I know.
 Max holding an owl
Um...the crazy looking one on the left is the female, the one on the right is the male. Look how much bigger she is than him. Granted she's puffed up for defense, but still the female are always bigger than the males. I think this couple is adorable, don't you? Hee. 


  1. I love the you need to crochet one!
    Im going to go beat up the guys who were hitting on you and I want one of those owls.....ha ha!!!
    Hey, I get all puffed up when on the defense too...she's a kindered spirit!
