Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bandon pics

So, I went to Bullards Beach State Park yesterday, and then went walking on the beach. I was there for hours. It's amazing how lost you can get just walking on the beach, discovering things, thinking, etc. The beaches here, as I'm sure most of you already know, are not like east coast beaches. People aren't swimming in the water, there is driftwood everywhere, and there are huge rock islands along the coast. I love this coast. People do surf here, but they have to wear wet suits because it's so cold. Anyway, while I was walking the beach yesterday, I was busy trying to take an up close picture of something, big wave came in and got my legs soaked. LOL. Should've known not to turn my back on the water. Here are some pics from my day...

 Public trail down to the beach
 Western Gulls

 Found a driftwood fort, this is the back side of it. 
 Front of driftwood huh?
 This rock is called Elephant Rock....look in the middle and you will see why, but if you can't, the next pic is an upclose shot.
 See the elephant face?

 Practicing my macro setting of my camera
 arr...them be barnacles! 
 It's really hard to see, but there are bird feet prints on the sand
View from the top of the trail


  1. What is in the picture labelled "Practicing my macro setting of my camera"? That's some wacky looking stuff.

  2. Looks beautiful and reminds me of Maine on the west coast
