Saturday, May 5, 2012

May the Fourth Be With You

Yeah that's right....had to honor Star Wars Day with that title...why not? So, I don't know how I'm doing with convincing this professor I'm awesome. Actually, I don't think I'm doing so well only in the sense that, he doesn't seem to notice. He is a nice guy, and I've talked to him a lot. I've been dancing around my main point with him pretty much since he got here. But, I don't wanna be like, hey hey pick me, pick me! But, I do!! haha.. So anyways, we went out trapping pretty much all day yesterday. And it was a windy one. The winds were 30+ mph. When it's that windy, and the temps are cool, it takes all of your energy. Especially if you have to walk against the wind. Zaps it right out from you. So, yesterday, my moral was slightly low. I've officially acquired homesickness. I miss Daniel. I miss my family and friends. Maybe it would help if I actually got to talk to them, but with the time change (2-3 hours), and our working hours (pretty much all day once DJ is awake), I can't talk on the phone. I am always awake before he is, but that's when I get my emailing, showering, eating breakfast, and blogging done. By the time I'm done with that, he's up. When we get home in the evenings, I crash. He keeps us out fairly late. I didn't expect to have a day off or anything like that when I got out here. After all, I'm only working here for 3 weeks, then off to Bandon. But, still, I just need a moment. LOL. I guess I will get it driving to Bandon on the 13th. Also, I seriously need to do some laundry. Okay, enough of my whining.

Like I said, it was cold and extremely windy yesterday. We trapped 14 owls total for the day! Yeah baby! We ended up taking a lot of pictures of the owls' wings to determine their age. Cool stuff. All was right in the world because I got to hold some owls again. :)

 The front lawn of the Headquarters at the Depot
 More of the front lawn
 The cannon they don't really use anymore
 Remember that burrow we upgraded? This is Jim Belthoff and DJ finishing filling it in. 
 The finished burrow...isn't is a beaut?!
 Hi Ho Hi's off to work I go..hehe
 DJ in a cistern setting a trap, yeah there are some owls living in there!
 DJ setting a trap
 If you look in the middle of the pic, there's an owl there..can you find it?
 I don't know how I managed to capture this moment, but it's unbelievably cute! 
 Jim and DJ putting in a perch at a burrow site
 Installed perch...yay!
 oh mean you didn't want to be held?
 A trap Jim and I made...yeah they didn't fall for
 female's right wing
Male's right wing...see the difference? Cool, huh?


  1. Yes, I found the owl in the photo

    No, I can't really see much difference between male and female owl wings


    Love you,


  2. Hey Cherry,

    We've never met but I'm Debby's husband, Joe. We do how ever have something in common... We both have been to Hermiston, Or. And yes I too have seen the owls there and the old military depot. Another funny thing is I have dined at the Fudruckers there. Have you seen the large smoke stacks near the interstate highway. Those are the energy furnaces I am told. You also mentioned that the area has a lot of agriculture and farms. They grow a lot of potatoes in that area and also watermelons... Not to mention all the trees they grow for pulp to make paper products. You can see hundreds of acres of the trees from the interstate with the signs displaying when they were planted. And the canals... they run everywhere irrigating the land around Hermiston! Hermiston also has one of the United States most unique emergency warning systems and they test it very often as you may have already heard (literally). Across the river on Washington state's side is one of the only nuce power plants in the northwest. I hope when you leave there, headed for the coast, you head west down the Gorge because it is a beautiful sight to travel down the Columbia River Gorge. And the coast... You will simply love the coast and the wonderful scenery as you over look the coastal cliffs along Hwy 101! Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and hope you enjoy your stay there... As long as they have a Big Lots store there (as Debby will confirm) I'm a happy camper!

    Good luck and stay safe, Joe Kirby
