I'm gonna combine Wednesday and Thursday night's trapping stuff since it was the same type deal in the same place, and I don't know when I will get to the internet access again. We trapped for 3 nights in Pasco, got a lot of owls, I think overall 48. That's a lot for 3 nights. Met some great people, and really enjoyed working with them. Networking people! haha. Any who, something I forgot to mention to you guys, these owls eat mammals and insects. Mostly mammals (mice, rats, gophers, etc). Well they get fleas from these mammals. They don't attack the owls because they aren't avian fleas, but they annoy them. So, when we catch them and handle them, we in turn get the fleas. Even after showering like crazy last night (don't ask me how you "shower like crazy"), I still think I have some...argh! Anyways, eventually I will be rid of them. I'm still on a good high from banding those babies, but banding the adults is great too! Pics for you! I only have 2 days left here, so I'm going to make the most of it.
Can you find the owl?
nestlings...about 5 days old
Me with the last owl of the night
Thursday night pics....
Hanging out on the barbwire fence
getting a better vantage point from the power line
Me with the male from a natural burrow we found....btw, this natural burrow we found, we named unofficially Cherry's burrow! I got my own burrow! :-)
what an adventure....you go girl! love you